The CoFFEE-IEC IT system provides a comprehensive service for the management of the Community Funds in the period 2021-2027, based on three functional pillars: Management, Certification (Payments) and Audit (Control). It is therefore an upgraded version of the Fund 2020 system.
In addition to incorporating the pre-existing procedures with the modifications they have undergone, the new system will incorporate concepts related to e-Government:
- Capture of all information required by the Commission for the submission and subsequent approval of all operational programmes. As a new feature, all this information will be structured and no unstructured documents will be allowed (except as a complementary explanation).
- Capture and maintenance of information related to the action lines of each operational programme. This information will serve as a basis for the elaboration of the POs.
- Exchange of information with the community information system (SFC 2021). This shall be done through web services set up by the system. This exchange will include all the information that needs to be provided for the approval of operational programmes.
- Exchange of information with the information systems of other bodies involved in management. This will be done through web services provided by CoFFEE-IEC.
- Procedure for the electronic processing of payment proposals. For this purpose, the services provided by Certex shall be used.