Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Who to turn to in the event of an incident

Users are asked to send an e-mail indicating the incident to csc@igae.hacienda.gob.es.

Clearly indicate in the subject line that the e-mail relates to a problem with AUDInet.

From: persona_que_envia_correo@correo.esTo: csc@igae.hacienda.gob.es Subject: AUDInet. Subject of the incident

Message body:

Message explaining the technical problem in full detail with images and screenshots where appropriate.

If an error occurred, explain where it happened, what you were doing, which feature was running and what the error was.

Add contact details to the message

  • Telephone number of the contact person
  • E-mail and telephone number
  • Centre, unit and organisation