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Administración Presupuestaria

What is it and what is it for?

 logo Central de Información de Bienes Inventariables del Estado

The Centre for Information on State Inventory Items (Central de Información de Bienes Inventariables del Estado, CIBI) is an information system that currently focuses exclusively on the properties that should be included in it pursuant to Law 33/2003, of 3 November, on State assets. Its operational aims are essentially to:

Facilitate the management of the Property Inventory by the Directorate General of State Assets.

Supply the accounting information from said inventory, as required by the Government Comptroller's Office, on the part of the inventory relevant to Central Government.

Provide support for the electronic processing of asset management files.

Very briefly, the current version offers the following "macro-functions":

Property maintenance and queries

The information system contains a wide range of data on properties. A wealth of information is available on each of these properties (tens of thousands), including the following:

  • Location or site of the property
  • Physical characteristics
  • Town planning
  • Land register data
  • Registry data
  • Accounting valuation and accumulated amortisation, on any date
  • Valuations
  • Users of the properties and surface per user

The information system incorporates the features needed to update and query this data. It also allows for georeferenced consultations of assets through its integration with the EGEO system..

Maintenance and querying of property images

The information system contains a range of documentary information, including deeds, plans, photographs, certificates and other documents thought to be of use. The images associated with the properties must have one of the following extensions: jpg or tif.

This information is associated with the individual properties. The information system incorporates the features needed to update and query this data.

Maintenance and querying of inventory operations on property

The information system contains another set of data where the different "inventory operations" carried out in relation to the properties are stored.

The term "inventory operation" refers to an asset management activity affecting any of the following:

  • Total area owned by different titles and users
  • Third parties linked to the operation
  • Registered properties and charges associated with these
  • Documents altering the legal status of the property
  • Book values and accumulated amortisation related to the various titles and users

Examples of these types of inventory operation include those involving:

  • Disposal (total or partial) of the same
  • Acquisition of new assets
  • Asset swaps (total or partial)
  • Property leasing
  • Change in state ownership (total or partial)
  • Construction of the property

As with the catalogue of assets, the information system has the features needed to update and query these data. It also allows for georeferenced consultations of assets through its integration with the EGEO system

Maintenance and querying of records

The information system contains another set of data where the different "records" made on the properties are stored.

The term "record" refers to an asset management activity affecting any of the properties that have already been inventoried or which are likely to be included in the inventory.

Examples of these records include:

  • Acquisitions
  • Disposals
  • Leases
  • Heritage protection
  • Management and administration
  • Transfers and reversions
  • Asset investigation
  • Swaps
  • Preliminary proceedings

As with the catalogue of assets, the information system has the features needed to update and query the data relating to the records. With regard for the images of documents that are part of files, there are functions to facilitate their automatic generation based on templates, as well as for their electronic signature through integration with the DocelWeb signatures platform.

Automatic generation of accounting records and amortisation calculations

Some inventory operations have an accounting effect. The information system automatically generates these records in a way that is transparent to the user. The system also has the required functionality for calculating the amortisation of properties in each accounting period.

All of this information is sent to the accounting information system (SIC'2), either automatically or on request, as applicable. CIBI also receives information from SIC'2 on Expenditure Budget operations (recognised liabilities) that increase the value of the property to ensure that these are recognised correctly by CIBI.