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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

What is it and what is it for?

The Payroll Lists Information System (LisNom) is designed to provide people eligible for State pension benefits with the financial information, in the form of work lists, they require to perform mediation work without having to appear in person before the Pension Benefits departments of the Ministry of Economy and Finance offices to collect the lists or, where applicable, have them sent by ordinary post.

This Information System has been up and running since 1 May 2004 and can be used to manage, consult or print the payroll lists corresponding to the six months before.

The lists that can be consulted are:

  • Balance movements.
  • Balance summary.
  • Accrual and discounts summary.
  • Payroll body text.
  • Cancellations with returns.
  • Summary of accruals and discounts of non-received accrual earnings.
  • Body text of non-received accrued earnings payroll.