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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria


The objective of the taxonomy is to offer a standard format for the representation and transmission of the information to present to the Court of Auditors according to EGA Order/3067/2011 of 8 November approving the Accounting Standard for the General State Administration (ICAGE).

To that end the General State Administration is offered a standardized representation format of said information via the use of the Visor XBRL.

Scope of application and objective of the taxonomy


The objective of the taxonomy is to offer a standard format for the representation and transmission of the information to present to the Court of Auditors according to EGA Order/3067/2011 of 8 November approving the Accounting Standard for the General State Administration (ICAGE).

To that end the General State Administration is offered a standardized representation format of said information via the use of the standard XBRL.

ProprietorState Comptroller's General Office
Date of issue21/06/2022 (Current version)
Taxonomy status

En uso

Approval level


Taxonomy Version
10.0 (Cuentas 2023) - Current version, in use

9.0 (Accounts 2021 and 2022 Accounts)

8.0 (Accounts 2020)

7.0 (Accounts 2018 and 2019)

6.0 (Accounts 2017)

5.0.1 (2015 Accounts and 2016 accounts)

4.0 (2014 Accounts)

3.0 (2013 Accounts)

2.0 (2012 Accounts)

1.0 (2011 Accounts)

XBRL Specification Version usedSpecification XBRL 2.1 of 2003- 12-31 + corrected errata 2006-12-18 (Recommendation).

En 2023, se usará la versión 10.0 de la taxonomía (pueden verse los cambios con respecto a la anterior versión en el documento de control de cambios)

In 2021 and 2022, version 9.0 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2020, version 8.0 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2018 and 2019, version 7.0 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2017, version 6.0 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2015 and 2016, version 5.0.1 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2014, version 4.0 of the taxonomy will be used (changes with respect to the previous version can be seen in the change tracking document)

In 2013 the 3.0 classification version will be used (the changes to the previous version can be seen in the track changes document)

In 2012 the 2.0 classification version will be used (the changes to the previous version can be seen in the track changes document)

The version 1.0 of the classification will be used in 2011.

This classification is aimed at the AGE.

This taxonomy is targeted at the State Comptroller General's Office.For organizational purposes, the taxonomy is divided into modules that collect and classify the different statuses to issue. The Office may use the taxonomy to present information on its annual accounts. To that end, it will have a single entry taxonomy which is specified in the section "Physical location of the entry taxonomies".

For any reference on technology, reuse of concepts or development of this taxonomy, see the technical document in the section "Summary Document".

Prefixes and namespaces
Physical location of the taxonomy
Incompatible taxonomiesNone
Summary document

Main summary: CONTAAGE.pdf

Basic presentation: PresentacionCONTAAGE.pdf

References to other taxonomies Taxonomía CONTAEPA
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