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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

What is it and what is it for?


The SOROLLA2 system is designed to assist the financial and budgetary management carried out by the expenditure management centres of the General State Administration, its Autonomous Entities and other Public Entities with a limiting Budget that adjusts their operations to the General Public Accounting Plan.

This tool is provided to the Expenditure Management Centres by the General Comptroller of the State Administration, with the aim of standardising budget management procedures.

The objective of the system is to facilitate the administrative and accounting management of the budgetary allocations in their charge, serving as a record and archive of all operations (administrative or accounting), providing information on the status of all management actions, and delivering progress in budget implementation.

Key aspects of SOROLLA2

  • Web architecture with centralised hosting service at the IGAE.

  • Integrated system, oriented to the native electronic processing of direct payment expenditure files, payments to be justified and fixed cash advances.

  • Retains the simplicity of the first-generation system (SOROLLA) without prejudice to the inclusion of additional beneficial functions.

  • Adaptation to the new accounting standards and incorporation of the benefits derived from the new accounting system, guaranteeing interoperability with SIC’3.

  • Interoperability with other management and control applications: IRIS, CANOA, digital signatures (Docelweb and others), COREnet.

  • Interoperability with other specific external platforms: Public Sector Contracting Platform, Public Sector Contract Registry, Court of Accounts, Immediate Delivery of Information.

  • General interoperability with other external applications through web services (API SOROLLA2).

  • System designed to standardise financial and budgetary management procedures in public administrative entities.

Modular structure of SOROLLA2

  • Module for processing contracting expenditure files and subsidies.

  • Management and accounting module for payment cashiers, including the management of service fees.

  • Module for managing the inventory of properties and other assets and rights managed by ministerial departments or autonomous entities, in accordance with Art.33 of Law 33/2003 on Public Administration Assets.

  • Module for monitoring budget implementation and for generating accounting documents, both electronically and on paper.