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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria


This is a computer application centralising and standardising the information from public sector businesses and foundations to meet the applicable regulations at all times.

General Documentation

  • Technical specifications (download Anexos with these specifications).

Considering each of the subsystems making up, we would highlight the following regulations:

The Subsystems of Annual Account, Removals, Annual, Quarterly and Monthly Economic and Financial Information, and the subsystem of Information for the consolidation of CGE

  • General Budget Law (LGP) 47/2003, of 26 November.
  • Order EHA/2043/2010, of 22 July, regulating the procedure for reporting the annual accounts and other information that public sector businesses and foundations are required to submit to the Court of Auditors, and the information to be submitted to the Government Comptroller's Office on an annual and quarterly basis
  • Order HAP/2161/2013, dated 14 November, amended by Order HAP/1881/2014, dated 30 September, governing the procedure for the bodies regulated in the third paragraph of additional provision nine of the General Budget Act 47/2003, dated 26 November, which must apply the General Chart of Accounts, submitting annual accounts to the Court of Auditors and the annual, quarterly and monthly information to be sent to the State Controller’s Office by such bodies.
  • Order EHA/614/2009, of 3 March 2009, regulating the contents of the report referred to in Article 129.3 of the LGP.
  • Directive 2011/85/EU of the Council.
  • Law 59/2003, of 19 December 2003, on Electronic Signature.
  • Law 11/2007, on Electronic Access to Public Services by Citizens.
  • Order EHA/693/2008, of 10 March 2008, regulating the Ministry of Economy and Finance Electronic Register.
  • Secretary of State for Finance and Budgets Resolution, of 27 February 2009, regulating the information systems security policy of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure and the Government Comptroller's Office.
  • Order HAC/1234/2018 of 14 November, modifying Order EHA/2043/2010 of 22 July, governing the procedure for remitting annual accounts and other information which public sector state business and foundation entities must provide to the Court of Auditors, and the annual and quarterly information to be remitted to the General Comptroller of the State Administration.

Transparency subsystem

  • Law 4/2007, of 3 April 2007, on transparency of the financial relations between public authorities and public corporations, and on financial transparency of certain companies.
  • Royal Decree 1759/2007, of 28 December, regulating the forms and procedure for forwarding the information that has to be submitted by public corporations and certain companies.
  • Law 59/2003, of 19 December, on Electronic Signature.
  • Law 11/2007, on Electronic Access to Public Services by Citizens.
  • Order EHA/693/2008, of 10 March, regulating the e-Register of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Secretariat for Finance and Budgets Resolution, of 24 May 2005, on control of access to databases of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure of the Government Comptroller's Office.
  • Secretary of State for Finance and Budgets Resolution, of 27 February 2009, regulating the information systems security policy of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure and the Government Comptroller's Office.

Monthly bad debt subsystem

  • Royal Decree 635/2014, dated 25 July, developing the methodology for calculating the average period for paying public administrations’ suppliers and the conditions and procedure for withholding resources in finance systems, established in Act 2/2012, dated 27 April.
  • The Budget Stability and Financial Sustainability Act 2/2012, dated 27 April.
  • The Electronic Signature Act 59/2003, dated 19 December.
  • The Citizens’ Electronic Access to Public Services Act 11/2007.
  • Order EHA/693/2008, dated 10 March, governing the Ministry of the Economy and Finance’s Electronic Register.
  • Resolution of 27 February 2009 of the Secretary of State for Finance and Budgets regulating the information system security policy of the Secretary General of Budgets and Expenditure and the State Controller’s Office.