Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

How to request the access?

The main page of the Budget Administration Portal includes a general reference (Access Control) that details the procedure for requesting access to the information systems in the area it manages and the mechanism used for notification of operational incidents.
However, the above-mentioned prior registration is not required for the submission of applications alone. It will be sufficient to access through the banner “ERDF CTE 2014-2020” on the right column of the main page of this portal. It will require identification with an electronic certificate approved by @firma or the Portuguese "Chave Móvel Digital” (CMD) (Digital Secure Key). Please note that this system is only valid for authentication, not for signatures within Coopera 2020. The user will be automatically registered in the system the first time he/she accesses it. If the application is finally approved, you must follow the general procedure indicated in the first paragraph (Access Control), in order to continue, which will give access to the rest of the tools required to finally obtain the corresponding ERDF grants.