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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria


The configuration responds to a multilayer WEB development architecture (data submission, business logics and data storage) that are mutually independent, and reported through the standards:

  • Operating system:UNIX, Windows 2000
  • Database Manager: ORACLE9i, ADABAS, SQL Server
  • Languages: HTML, JavaScript, Java, NATURAL, ASP, Visual Basic
  • Applications Server: IAS
  • Web server: Apache
  • Other tools: OC4J, Oracle Reports Server, XML, XSL

The only requisites for the user are: to have a standard browser (Internet Explorer or similar) and an e-certificate issued by recognised certification service providers.

The security solution is based on the use of e-certificates, which can be checked by using the @Firma validation platform provided by the Ministry of Public Administrations.