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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

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Introduction (table of contents)

The CoFFEE-MRR API provides integration services for the management systems of organisations responsible for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

The services are provided via a REST interface, documented in OpenAPI 3.0 format.

Updates (index)

[October 2024]
Progress register of indicators
The v2.0 Indicators Progress Recording services are available in the production environment. (high, edition, deleted) according to specification v2.0.2.
[October 2024]
Progress register of indicators
The v2.0 Indicators Progress Recording services are available in the testing environment. (high, edition, deleted) according to specification v2.0.2.
Once tested and validated, they shall be deployed in the production environment. (Endpoint status)
Publication of version 2.0.2
Version 2.0.2 includes:
  • Final definition of indicator progress log endpoints.
  • Definition of services for consultation of revocation (no) certificates.
Please refer to specific changes in the FAQ section: significant changes from v2.0.1 to v2.0.2
The v2.0 version of the test environment implements this specification. Once tested and validated, it shall be deployed in the production environment. Current integrations are not affected.
Planning is maintained in the test environment:
  • Definition of sub-projects (high, editing, deletion): Second half of November.
  • Definition of instrumental sub-projects (high, editing, deletion): First half of December.
  • Action planning (high, editing, deletion): Second half of December.
  • Definition of projects (high, editing, deletion): Second half of December.
Once tested and validated, they shall be deployed in the production environment.
[September 2024]
Production environment
The v2.0 services for consultation of the plan and management of legal instruments are available in the production environment. (Endpoint status)
Publication of services in the test environment:
  • Implementation. Indicators progress register (high, edition, deleted): First half of October.
  • Definition of sub-projects (high, edition, deleted): Second half of November.
  • Definition of instrumental sub-projects (high, edition, deleted): First half of December.
  • Action planning (high, editing, deletion): Second half of December.
  • Definition of projects (high, edition, deleted): Second half of December.
Once tested and validated, they shall be deployed in the production environment.
[June 2024]
Production environment
The production environment is available.
Services for the management of legal instruments
The test environment offers the opportunity to use services for the management of legal instruments in accordance with the API version v2.0.
Once the tests have been conducted and the results validated, the system will be deployed in the production environment.
Publication of version 2.0.1
Version 2.0.1 includes:
  • Correction of errors in the definition of services for the management of legal instruments. (More information in the «frequently asked questions» section )
  • A comprehensive delineation of the services pertaining to the registration of actions, instrumental sub-projects, sub-projects and projects.
  • A comprehensive definition of the services provided for the purpose of recording progress and monitoring indicators.
The implementation of services will occur in a staggered manner, with the following order of events:
  1. Monitoring of the plan (GETs).
  2. Registration of actions, instrumental sub-projects, sub-projects and projects.
  3. Progress of indicators (POSTs).
The implementation of the services will be reported by means of an informative email for each implemented block. The implementation status of the different endpoints can be consulted at endpoints status.In any case, the planning can be modified in accordance with the demands of the situation or other requirements that have been identified.
[March 2024]
Production environment
In collaboration with the Secretariat-General for European Funds, the procedure for authorising access to the service is being reviewed in order to simplify both the technical and management configuration. The environment will be available once the procedure has been implemented.
Publication of version 1.5.2
Release of version 1.5.2 with functionality improvements: optional codigoPropietario parameter in some listings and project information in subproject, instrumental subprojects and actions. The specific changes can be found in the FAQ section: Notable changes from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2
Publication of version 2.0.0

Version 2.0 includes the following cross-cutting improvements:

  • Pagination of listings
  • Document upload mechanism by locator (more information in FAQ section)

The published definition covers:

  • Full definition of services for the management of legal instruments.
  • List of the endpoints foreseen for the recording of progress and monitoring of indicators, in anticipation of the full definition to be published in the near future.
  • List of the endpoints foreseen for the registration of sub-projects, instrumental sub-projects and actions, in anticipation of the full definition to be published soon.

Services for the management of legal instruments will be implemented in a staggered manner in the following planned order:

  • Contracts
  • Subsidies
  • Agreements
  • Other
  • Rest

You can check the status of implementation and definition of the different endpoints at: endpoint status.

[January 2024]
Release of version 1.5.1 which fixes bugs found in 1.5.0. The specific changes can be found in the FAQ section: Notable changes from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1
For organisational reasons, the first phase will not include the implementation of the financial execution registration service ('/ejecucion/financiera')
The test environment will be available from Thursday 1 February. A form will also be made available to make the access request. The following services will be available:
1. Structure information consultation services.
2. Registration services for legal instruments and addressees.
[November 2023]
API version 1.5.0 has been released, which adapts the previous version to the current CoFFEE information architecture.
The definition will be implemented in phases. The initial phases will group the following services: 1. We offer services for structuring information consultations, registering legal instruments and addressees, and registering executions.
2.Recording progress indicators and other services may be provided based on agency demand. Units interested in this project will be notified of the timetable for the implementation of the phases in the upstream and production environments via this page and/or email.

Service versions (index)

The following versions are currently available:
Octubre 20242.0Producción v2.0.2
Versión recomendada.
Se adapta a los cambios funcionales de CoFFEE-MRR.
Marzo 20241.5Producción v1.5.2
Versión disponible.
No se adapta a los cambios funciones de CoFFEE-MRR.
The version history is available in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Access and use of the service (index)

To access the published services, interested parties must follow the registration procedure specified on the web services catalogue, page. The procedure is detailed in the document “Procedure for requesting access by external entities to the corporate WEB services of the Budgetary Informatics Office” published on the same page. During the registration process, we will provide information on both the technical contact for resolving technical issues and the mechanism for connecting to our services (the certificate used for secure connections).
Internally, approval will be sought from the Head of Operations of CoFFEE-MRR, who will verify the legitimacy of the intended exchange.
To use the service correctly, you must include two parameters in the requests to the REST API of the published interface. These parameters will identify the origin of the calls and will have been provided by the technical contact of the Budget IT Office during the registration process. The parameters are:
- idAplicacion: API CoFFEE-MRR identifier
- idUsario: service user identifier
The client's web services will be authenticated using HTTPS/TLS with an electronic seal certificate issued by one of the certification service providers recognised by the @Firma web service.
Units should not process access requests until the availability of services in the pre-test environments has been communicated.

More information (index)

For additional information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page. This page will be updated regularly with answers to any questions you may have.

For any technical inquiries, service definition corrections, or other feedback, units may send an email to the development team's email account (