Provides support to the State's competencies as Managing Authority or Certifying Authority in the different operational programmes of European Territorial Cooperation for the period 2014-2020.
The Community Initiative of the European Territorial Cooperation or INTERREG was designed with the objective that national borders were not an obstacle to the balanced development or to the integration or Europe. Pursued also the action integrated in regards to the economic development and economic and social coPursued also the action integrated in regards to the economic development and economic and social cohesionhesion. Se financia a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional articulándose en una serie de Programas Operativos que funcionan en régimen de cofinanciación, con subvenciones a fondo perdido aprobadas para una serie de proyectos (operaciones) que se transfieren al beneficiario una vez que éste demuestra el desembolso de la cantidad aprobada y en los términos establecidos.
The joint financing rate reaches a maximum of 85%, although in each case is negotiated by the Operational Programme.