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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Who is it for?

The Fondos 2020 electronic system is for use by the Directorate General of European Funds, which is responsible for its functionality. All bodies taking part in a direct or indirect way in the management of Community funds are involved in this system, regardless of their responsibilities. They include the following:

  • The units of the Directorate General of European Funds (Ministry of Finance and Civil Service) that are involved in the process (ERDF Management Unit, the European Territorial Cohesion and Cooperation Fund Management Unit, the Certification and Payments Unit, etc.), as the Managing and Certification Authority.
  • The ESF Management Unit (Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security).
  • The ministries responsible for operations co-funded by the European Commission (Min. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Min. of Development, etc.), who are involved as executing and intermediary bodies.
  • Other administrations (Autonomous Communities, Departments, Local Councils, Corporations, etc.).
  • State Controller’s Office (ONA) and regional controllers’ offices are involved as audit authorities.
  • European Commission.