• If it is an incident related to access to Fondos 2020 (impossible to enter the Budget Administration website on the Internet, disappearance of the user’s personalised desktop icon or entry problems when using it) or a problem making it difficult to use the application normally or relating to the Fondos2007SW web service or the DocelWeb electronic signature application, the mechanism for notifying the Incident Coordination Unit of Budget IT services published on the Budget Administration website (in the “Incident Notification” section on the user identification page shown when following the “Access to Information Systems” link on the website’s main page).
• If the incident is functional (differences in interpreting regulations, lack of knowledge of how to use the application, suggestion for a functional improvement, etc.), it will be reported via email to the functional managers of the Directorate General of European Funds using the inboxFondos2020@sepg.hacienda.gob.es, specifying the word “MANAGEMENT” in the subject line.
• If the incident is due to the application malfunctioning or working differently than expected (including problems related to the XML files for mass uploads), the same method as the prior case will be used, i.e, sending an email to the inbox
Fondos2020@sepg.hacienda.gob.es, specifying the word “DEVELOPMENT” in the subject line. At its destination, the problem will be directed to Division II: Budgetary and European Funds Applications, which is responsible for designing and building the application.
To be as effective as possible in categorising and resolving incidents, notification e-mails related to management or development must include the following information in the body of the message, as well as having all documents considered useful attached:
- Name
- User code
- User’s organisation
- Contact number
- Operating environment (“production" or “tests")
- Reason for the query
- Description of the files attached, as appropriate (for example screenshots of error messages received, including the sequence of operations necessary to reproduce them)
In any case, if once an incident has been opened it is necessary to collect more information to identify and resolve them properly, the support services will contact the users and not the other way round.
Telephone assistance from the Directorate General of European Funds’ support service (at 91 583 73 51) shall be reserved for situations in which email is not working.