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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

What is it and what is it for?

The JUBIL@ application is an IT application for the electronic processing of form "J", for the ex-officio initiation of the procedure for the granting of pensions to officials under the Passive Class System.

This application enables retirement agencies to complete the data corresponding to the retiring official by way of the various screens provided, and which are required for processing the pension dossier –personal/occupational data, statements from the individual concerned/fiscal data – and to attach documents in electronic format. Once validated, these data must be digitally signed by the user of the retirement agency responsible for the signature.

When the data in form "J" has been digitally signed, it is sent electronically to the Directorate General for Personnel Costs and Public Pensions and entered in its IT system for the granting of Passive Class pensions. An entry is automatically created in the Registry of the Directorate General, the initiation of the procedure is issued to the individual concerned, and the documentation required to process the pension is compiled.

All users of the JUBIL@ application need to have a digital certificate to access the Virtual Office of the Internet Portal of the Budgetary Office: