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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

How to request access?

1. Preliminary authorisation:

The person responsible for the retirement agency must send the "Request for access to the JUBIL@ application" form to the Subdirectorate General of the Management of Passive Classes of the Directorate General for Personnel Costs and Public Pensions for each of the individuals in his/her unit requiring permission to access the system, specifically indicating whether these users must be authorised for the electronic processing of form "J".

This form was approved as Annex II of the Resolution dated 18 March 2010 of the Directorate General for Personnel Costs and Public Pensions (BOE – Official State Gazette – 08/04/2010) and is available in this Additional information section of the Virtual Office of the Budget Administration Internet Portal.

Once preliminary authorisation has been granted, both the person responsible for the retirement agency and each of the pre-authorised users will be sent an e-mail indicating the steps required to complete registration as JUBIL@ users, following the procedure for control of access to the databases of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure of the Government Comptroller's Office, as set down in the legislation in force from time to time.

2. Registration in JUBIL@:

Individuals who have obtained preliminary authorisation must complete their registration in the application by entering the Budget Administration Internet Portal at the URL address, and, once inside the Virtual Office, selecting "Request for access to the systems".

This will bring up a screen in which they must choose to complete the online form "Management of accesses to the Budget Administration Information Systems". They must then fill in the data on the different screens that appear in this "Request for access to information systems for unregistered external users". After completing all the information required on the form, the user should press the Send button.

Once the registration request has been processed, an e-mail will be sent to the address indicated on the form with the user's login and password to enter JUBIL@

From this point on, any time the user has to process a form "J", he/she must enter the Virtual Office of the Budget Administration Internet Portal using the Access to the Information Systems menu option.