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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

What is it and what is it for?


Whenever the State Administration or its autonomous bodies award a contract and the amount thereof exceeds the limit specified under current provisions, the administration body must submit an application for appointing a representative of the General Intervention Board to the Office for Financial Controls and Audits (hereinafter SGIF).

The Resolution of 3 December 2018 (publishe in the BOE of 19 december 2018), modifying the Resolution of 7 July 2015 (published in the BOE of 10 July 2015) establishes the procedure for requesting a representative, online notification of the appointment of an IGAE representative, and finally the obligation of the management centre to provide information for the intervention before acknowledgement of the obligation.

Application via electronic means by the administration bodies has been performed through the COREnet application, meeting the security requirements necessary to ensure: the authenticity of the applicant, document integrity, confidentiality and the date of communication, using the electronic certificate of a recognised natural person.

For the user and administrator, the new version of COREnet covers the complete cycl and allows:

  1. Requesting new applications
  2. Requesting new applications,
  3. Electronically signing these applications,
  4. Any queries on all processed applications,
  5. The receipt and view via electronic means of any communications related to the application procedure.

The two user profiles of the administration bodies under COREnet (processing user and the user responsible for signing) must have a recognised electronic certificate for authentication and access to the application; the user responsible for signing will require this certificate for the electronic signature of the application

From version 3.0, the COREnet application includes the new form for delegates of advisers, whereby if the General Intervention Board considered it necessary to appoint a consultant to assist the appointed auditor with the tasks of physical receipt of the investment, it would appoint an Office of Delegates of Advisers, which would in turn assign a "specific" adviser to the appointment.

Para el perfil de usuario de unaoficina de delegados de asesores, la nueva versión de COREnet permite:

  1. gestionar sus asesores, es decir dar de alta, modificar y desactivar asesores,
  2. realizar la asignación de asesores,
  3. visualizar las comunicaciones formales que recibe de la Intervención General para que atienda a la asignación de un asesor,
  4. realizar consultas sobre todas las asignaciones cursadas.

The three profiles of users in an office of advisers provided for within COREnet (main, deputy and officers) should have a recognised electronic certificate for authentication and access to the application, but will not use the signing capabilities the application makes available to other profiles..

From version 4.0, the application incorporates the new module for the monitoring of appointments following the guidelines outlined in the resolutions of 7 July 2015 and of 14 July 2015 .

This new procedure includes mainly the processes that should be performed by the intervention offices in relation to the monitoring of appointments and management of completion certificates in COREnet.

From version 6.0, after publication ofRoyal Decree 130/2019, of 8 March, which regulates the National Grants Database and the publicising of grants and other public funding, whose first final provision amends the General Grant Regulation regulating the possibility of appointing advisers or experts to verify the reality of the investment within the framework of the financial control of grants, a new module (CORONA) is incorporated whose ownership and management will correspond to theNational Audit Office (ONA), whose main functionalities are:

  • Receipt of requests for appointment of advisers for on-site verifications from AUDInet by control bodies.
  • Proposal for the appointment of an adviser by the corresponding ONA division.
  • Assignment of the adviser by the corresponding delegated office of advisers.
  • Monitoring of appointments and advisers.