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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria


Below is the list of help documents for application users

Environment Information Mechanism for Recovery and Resilience

Continuous Supervision information environment.

  • Request for information in accordance with article 145 of the General Budgetary Act, within the ‘Continuous Supervision’ actions provided for in article 85.3 of Law 40/2015 and as provided for in article 9 of Order HFP/371/2018 of 9 April.
  • Documento de ayuda
  • Questions concerning user administration:
  • Questions concerning technical functioning of the application:
  • For any questions regarding the information to be

Annual Accounts information environment

Environment Consolidation information

Information environment for the Annual Budget Advance and Monthly Statistics

  • Documentation on the basic use of the application to send Advance and Statistics information:: Designed for any user of this environment who needs to understand its basic functions (screens, menu options, operations of use, etc.).

Technical notes