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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

How to request it

Procedure for requesting access to BDNS FOR USERS OUTSIDE the scope of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditures and the Government Comptroller's Office.

Requests to access this application should be made as stated in the Resolution dated 27 February 2009 of the Secretariat of State for Finance and Budgets, regulating the security policy of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure and the Government Comptroller's Office.

The body must previously have been registered with the BDNS. As provided for in the sixth order of the Resolution of the Comptroller General of the State Administration of 7 December 2015, the application to register the body must be made by the titleholder of the body. To do this the detailed information must be sent in the documents named “Prior actions-forms”, which are available for each type of administration in the on section Documentation.

Procedure for requesting access for users within the scope of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditures and the Government Comptroller's Office.

Internal users will request access to the BDNS information system using the RADIX authorisation management tool, which is found in the Applications/Security section in the information of the internal user’s personalised desktop.