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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria


Technical requirements

  • Device with Internet connection.
  • Google Chrome browser updated.
  • PDF file viewer. The use of Adobe Acrobat Reader (available at is recommended.
  • Graphic resolution of 1280 x 1024 or higher is recommended.

Access to the National Subsidies Database

Access to the National Subsidies Database is subject to the Resolution dated 27 February 2009, of the Secretariat of State for Finance and Budgets, regulating the security policy of the Secretariat General for Budgets and Expenditure and the Government Comptroller's Office.

Access to the National Subsidies Database requires:

1.- Approved e-certificate

All users outside the Budget Administration computer network must have an approved e-certificate, issued by the certification service providers listed below, in order to access the National Subsidies Database.

List of certification service providers.

2.- User code

In addition to a digital certificate, users must request and obtain a user code following the procedure described under "Virtual Office" - "Request for access to the systems" on the homepage of this website.