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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Description General State Budgets 2025

2025 templates provide the management centre user the opportunity to mechanically complete the files for budget preparation to be sent to the corresponding Budget Office.

The templates are distributed packaged in zip files.

The date of the latest update of the packages in which the templates are distributed is:

Programa Fecha
Presupuestos Generales del Estado            09 de julio de 2024
Presupuestos del Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria (INGESA)            28 de junio de 2024
Presupuestos del Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria (INGESA)            28 de junio de 2024

The minimum requirements for the work environment are:

  • Microsoft Office 365 (Word and Excel). Although 365 is the recommended version, the documents are also compatible with earlier versions of Microsoft Office.
  • Any office package that supports the Open Office XML format, if you do not have Microsoft Office.
  • Tool to retrieve the templates from the zip files

National Budget

Comprises the general lists of all Ministries:

  • Programmes and objectives
  • Endowments. Expenditure and income
  • Staff
  • Investments
  • Autonomous Bodies
  • Comparative Reports

Budgets of the National Institute of Health Management (INGESA)

Includes the general files:

  • Programmes and objectives
  • Endowments
  • Staff
  • Investments

Budgets of the Institute of Migrations and Social Services (IMSERSO)

Includes the general files:

  • Programmes and objectives
  • Endowments. Expenditure and income
  • Staff
  • Investments