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Administración Presupuestaria

Exchange format

This section provides standard formats for the exchange of information with the information systems of the Budget Administration made available to users external to this area. The following list includes a brief description of the purpose of the standard format, the people it targets and the legislation or documentation in which the format is specified.

Standard formatPurposeLegislation or documentation governing the format specificationVersionTarget
AdendaExchange of information (uploads and downloads) on the Financial Statements of the AA (Autonomous Agencies), personnel, investments and projects and Tax Benefits. Vínculo a  Especificaciones de Formato de Adenda1.0Budget agents of the AGE [General Administration of the State] (administrative subsector).
BDNSFor sending information on subsidies to the national subsidy data base. Vínculo a normativa de  especificación del formato TESEOnetManagement bodies and public bodies responsible for sending information on subsidies and public aid (Art. 20 of the General Law on Subsidies).
CANOASending of accounting information to the analytical accounting system from other management systems. Vínculo a  Especificaciones de Formato de CANOA1.0Managing Centres of the General Administration of the State.
CIBIFor sending information on goods inventories to the inventariable goods information Centre.. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato CIBI1.01Goods inventory management organs in the General Administration of the State.
CoFFEESending and downloading information within the scope of the funds and mechanisms managed. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato CIBIMinistries, bodies of the General State Administration and of Autonomous Communities and Local Corporations, responsible for co-financed operations or projects developed within the framework of the funds and mechanisms managed.
CoFFEE-MRR Conflict of interestProvision of information on authorised persons. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato CIBIAEAT
General Local Organisations AccountSending of the General Local Organisations Account to external control organs. Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de la Cuenta General. Open in a new windowLocal Organisations and external control organs.
Annual account of the AO.For organisations subjected to the General Public Accounting Plan to send the IGAE the annual accounts. Vínculo a normativa de  especificación del formato OO.AA.Organisations of the General Administration of the State subject to the General Public Accounting Plan.
Financi@Exchange of information (uploads and downloads) on Financial Statements, Objectives, Activities and Investments and projects. Vínculo a  Especificaciones de Formato de Financi@1.0Budget agents of the AGE [General Administration of the State] (businesses and foundations subsector).
Funds 2007Mass uploads of initial programming (financial plans) and financial management (operations, transactions, contracts, checklists, etc.) of the different forms of intervention. Vínculo a Fondos 20072.0Beneficiaries and intermediate bodies in Convergence and Competitiveness. Managing authority in the case of European Territorial Cooperation.
Funds 2020Bulk upload of certification (operations, contracts, on-the-spot verifications, transactions, checklists, etc.) of the various operational programmes Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato TELCON1.0

Intermediate bodies and beneficiaries, and external applications.

Funds 2127The objective of this initiative is to facilitate the exchange of information associated with the management of ERDF, INTERREG and FTJ funds. To this end, a mass upload of Operations, Expenditure files, Legal Entities and Bodies is being considered. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato TELCON1.0

The intermediate and beneficiary bodies, in addition to external applications, are included in this study.

FriedaThe sharing of information (uploads and downloads) is intended to assist in the preparation of cross-cutting budget reports on the alignment of general state budgets with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, gender impact, impact on children, adolescents and the family, alignment of general state budgets with the ecological transition (brown budget) and youth. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato TELCON

Government budget agents (administrative and business and foundational sub-sector).

Non-tax revenues (INTECO)Mass generation of form 069 proof of payment using the INTECO application. Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de Taxonimía CONTAEP1.0Management Centres with access to the INTECO application
JUBIL@Large scale data download format in the information system JUBIL@ Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de la Cuenta General. Open in a new windowRetirement Agencies
QuantoExchange of information (uploads and downloads) on credits and allocations (expenses and income). Vínculo a  Especificaciones de Formato de Quanto1.0Budget Agents of the AGE [general administration of the state] (administrative subsector).
REGIOnetFor the exchange of information with other systems. Vínculo a  Especificaciones de Formato de Financi@July 2008Administrators of the application, Social Security.
REPERTESending of accredited entities in a PERTE for registration in REPERTE.

Nueva solicitud entidad acreditada (xlsx)

Instrucciones y formato para la remisión de solicitudes de inscripción en REPERTE (pdf)

1.3Sub-Directorate General for Studies and Coordination.
Taxonomy CONTAAGEOnline processing of annual accounts Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de Taxonimía CONTAEP6.0

General State Administration.

Court of Auditors.

Taxonomy CONTAEPOnline processing of accounting information Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de Taxonimía CONTAEP7.0

Entities from public enterprise and foundations.

Court of Auditors.

Taxonomy CONTAEPAOnline processing of annual accounts Vínculo a  Formato normalizado de Taxonimía CONTAEPA7.0

Entities that must apply Accounting standards for the Institutional Administration of the State.

TELCONFor the electronic processing of accounting documents. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato TELCON3.0 (December 2021 version)

Management organs of the General State Administration and Autonomous Organisations.

Management organs of the General State Administration

TELCONSpecifications for the electronic processing of revenue documents. Vínculo a documentación de especificación del formato TELCON

3.0 (March 2024)

Management organs of the General State Administration and Autonomous Organisations.

Management organs of the General State Administration