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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

List of certification service providers

The list of certificates accepted in the services provided via this Portal (Main site) are those accepted by the @FIRMA platform (both with regard to the provision of identification and electronic signature). These are: the certificates published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation ( of Electronic Signature Certification Service Providers, as well as the European certificates that are recognised by the TSL for each country (

In all cases, certificates will be accepted (for identification purposes or for signature purposes) if they pass the validation process provided for in the VALIDe application of the Secretariat of State for the Civil Service, with the exception of pseudonym certificates, which are not permitted as a means of identification for access to the systems of the IGAE and the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure.

For further general information on electronic signatures and certificates, please consult the information provided on theE-government portal.

A portal to resolve any doubts that may arise regarding the use of the eDNI