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Administración Presupuestaria

Web service for requesting a certificate to prove up to date payments of subsidies and loans

The web service for generating the certificate to prove up to date payment of obligations for the reimbursement of subsidies and loans granted by the General State Administration allows this certificate to be obtained in XML format, or in PDF format, obtaining the information on the status of the debts of a third party in the Accounting Information System of the General State Administration.

E-Office (access for citizens and residents)

To request a certificate confirming up-to-date payment of grants and loans, access the electronic headquarters via the following link and click on “Go to Procedure”:

Operation of the web service in SIC3

The request for access to this service must be made from the Web Services Catalogue section, by clicking on the link in the "Request this web service" column of the SituacionPrestamoSubvencion web service.

Any additional questions that may arise regarding the application for the use of this web service should be addressed to the following generic e-mail address: