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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

How to access

The main page of the Budget Administration Portal includes a reference (Access Control) with details of the procedure for requesting access to the information systems in the area it manages, and the mechanism for notification of operational incidents.

In addition, and under certain conditions, persons not registered in the budget administration will be able to access certain modules of the system.

Access to the CoFFEE-MRR module (Recovery Plan) for persons not registered in the budget administration

Persons who have been authorised through the application itself by a person responsible for the module or for an element (project, sub-project) can access without the need for registration procedures as users of the budget administration; these persons may have limited functionalities on the system.

This is the link that provides access to the system, subject to proof of identity:

 Access to CoFFEE

If you have been given authorisation to access other environments you can use the following links:

Access to CoFFEE (training environment)

Access to CoFFEE (test environment)

Access to CoFFEE (pre-production environment)

Ordinary access to CoFFEE

Those concerned shall apply for access to the module of their interest and specify the access profile required, from among the following:
  • Module CoFFEE-Multiannual Financial Framework 21-27.
    • Management 21-27. For access as a management user (with editing permissions).
    • Consultation 21-27. For access in consultation mode.
    • Administration 21-27. For access to administration functions.
  • CoFFEE-MRR module
    • MRR Management. For access as management user (with editing permissions) of the Scheme and the Mechanism.
    • MRR Query. For access in consultation mode.
    • MRR Administration. For access to administration functions.
  • CoFFEE-Administration Module
    • Administration. For the administration (common services) of the platform.
    • Development. Reserved for the support and development teams personnel.