The CoFFEE platform supports the management of European Funds from the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 onwards. This includes both ERDF, which in the previous period was supported by the Funds 2020 and Coopera 2020 applications, and other funds and mechanisms that fall under the responsibility of the General Secretariat for European Funds.
The system, which is under construction, implements the management processes in a general way, so that generic mechanisms are reused and subsequently adapted to the reality of each fund or mechanism to be managed.
In addition to its interactive use, the platform provides, through interoperability services, mechanisms for the exchange of information with the systems of other agents and organisations involved in management.
Although it is a single platform, its modularisation allows independent management of the application sections, each with separate security management and access authorisations.
CoFFEE also provides an administration module, restricted to users of the Secretariat-General for European Funds. It provides platform administration and support structure management functionalities.