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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Who to turn to in the event of an incident

If it is an incident related to access to the application (impossibility to enter the Budget Administration Portal on the Internet, disappearance of the icon from the user's personalised desktop or problems entering through it) or a problem that hinders the normal use of this or any other system provided by the Budget Administration, the mechanism for notifying the Incident Coordination Unit of the Budgetary Informatics services published on the Budget Administration Portal itself (in the "Incident Notification" section of the user identification page displayed by following the "Access to Information Systems" link on the Portal's home page) shall be used.

Incidents of a functional nature (differences in the interpretation of the regulations, lack of knowledge of the use of the application, suggestions for functional improvements, etc.) shall be notified to the functional managers of the General Secretariat of European Funds.

Incidents caused by incorrect or unexpected application performance (including problems related to interoperability services) shall be handled in the same way as above. After its analysis at destination, the problem will be channelled to Department V of European Funding, responsible for the design and construction of the application.