The General Secretariat of European Funds is responsible for the CoFFEE platform. In addition, all bodies and entities that manage the funds or other mechanisms with Community funding are involved in this system, either directly or indirectly, acting on it according to the roles they play in the management process. These include the following:
- The units of the Secretariat General for European Funds (General Directorate for European Funds and General Directorate for the Recovery and Resilience Plan and Mechanism) and their dependent units, such as Managing Authorities, Certifying Authority (or accounting unit), Authority Responsible (for the Plan), etc.
- Ministries, bodies of the General State Administration and of Autonomous Communities and Local Corporations, responsible for co-financed operations or projects developed within the framework of the funds and mechanisms managed.
- General Intervention of the State Administration and regional Interventions, intervening as an Audit Authority or Control body.
- European institutions.