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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Who to turn to in the event of an incident

When a technical problem occurs during logon or use of the Funds 2007 program, the user should follow these steps:

• If the incident is related to Fondos 2007 access (unable to log into the Internet Budget Administration Portal, icon disappearing from the user's custom desktop or problems entering through the icon) or a problem limiting routine use of the application or related to the Fondos2007SW web service or DocelWeb electronic signature application, the mechanism for reporting problems to the Incident Coordination Unit of the Budgetary IT services should be used, which is published on the Budget Administration Portal (in the "Incident Reporting" section of the user identification page displayed after clicking the "Access to the Information Systems" link on the Portal home page).

• If the incident is functional (discrepancies in the interpretation of regulations, questions about how to use the application, suggestions for its functional improvement, etc.), it should be indicated in an email sent to the staff of the Directorate General of Community funds who have functional responsibility for the program, addressed to, and indicating the word "MANAGEMENT" in the subject line.

• If the incident was caused by a malfunction in the program or if something unexpected occurred (including issues with mass uploads of XML files), the same procedure as in the above case should be adopted, i.e. users should email, indicating the word "DEVELOPMENT" in the subject line. On receipt, the problem will be forwarded to the Subdirectorate General of Budget Applications and Community Funds, which is responsible for the design and construction of the program.

To enhance the efficiency of the classification and resolution of incidents, emails reporting incidents relating to "MANAGEMENT" or "DEVELOPMENT" should also include the following information in the body of the message, together with any useful attachments:

  • Name
  • User code
  • Organisation to which the user belongs
  • Contact telephone No.
  • Operating environment("production" or "testing")
  • Reason for query
  • Description of attached files, if applicable(such as screenshots of error messages displayed, including the sequence of operations needed to reproduce them)

In all events, if after the incidence is opened, further information is required for its correct identification and resolution, it will be the support services that will contact the users, not the other way around.

The helpline of the support service of the Directorate General of Community Funds (91 583 73 51) is reserved for situations when email is not operational.