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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Online services

Web services permit the generation and management of Supporting Payment Documentation from any application external to the SIC'3 accounting information system. The method for requesting access to the services and their description appear in the following documents:

INTECO web services methods Description of the test method
altaJustificante069Generating a deposit receipt. Model 069
altaJustificante069ProntoPagoGeneration of proof of payment, form 069, with reduced amount due because of prompt payment
altaJustificante060Generation of proof of payment. Form 060 (Deposits)
altaJustficante060SegunNormaGeneration of proof of payment Form 060 (Deposits) according to Regulation
altaJustificante061Generation of proof of payment. Form 061 (Pension fund contributions)
altaJustificante074Generation of proof of payment. Form 074 (payment from abroad)
altaJustificante074DivisasGeneration of proof of payment. Form 074 in Foreign Currency (payment from abroad)
marcarJustificanteIncorporation of notification and due dates into a deposit receipt. Model 069 y 074
desmarcarJustificanteDeleting notification and due dates in a deposit receipt. Model 069 y 074
consultarEstadoJustificanteChecking the status of a deposit receipt.
imprimirJustificanteObtaining a deposit receipt in PDF format. Model 069
imprimirJustificanteMultiIdiomaObtain proof of payment in multi-language PDF format. Form 074
anotarRecursoNoting an appeal lodged on a deposit receipt. Model 069 y 074
eliminarRecursoRemoving the note of an appeal lodged from a deposit receipt. Model 069 y 074
levantarRecursoRaises an appeal with the possibility of amending notification and expiry dates. Model 069 y 074
anularJustificanteCancelling a deposit receipt.
desanularJustificanteReinstating a deposit receipt. Model 069
obtenerFichaJustificanteObtaining a file with the management and accounting details of a receipt in PDF format. Model 069
consultaMovimientosJustificanteConsultation of the movements of proof of payment. Form 069
enviarPeticion (acción=”alta”)Mass generation of deposit receipts using a file. Models 060, 061 and 069
enviarPeticion (acción=”marcado”)Mass incorporation of notification and due dates in a deposit receipt using a file. Model 069
enviarPeticion (acción=”consulta”)Mass query on changes in status of credit receipts. Model 069
enviarPeticion (acción=”consultamov”)Mass consultation of deposit receipt movements. Model 069
enviarPeticion (acción=”gestiongarantias”)Mass incorporation of guarantees on deposit receipts using a file. Model 069