The web service for accessing third-party data allows the management systems that process expense files to access the updated circumstances of third parties and their bank details.
SIC3 Gastos AGE web service performance
For the management systems of General State Administration managers, the service provides access to third parties included in the Central Treasury Third Party File along with their bank details.
The access request for this service must be made from the
Web Services Catalogue section, by clicking on the link in the ‘Request this web service’ column of the
AGEWS Third Party Management System web service.
Service operation in SIC3 OOAA
For the management systems of Autonomous Body managers, the service provides access to the third parties of the Body's SIC'3 along with their bank details, which can also be modified.
The access request for this service must be made from the Web Services Catalogue section, by clicking on the link in the ‘Request this web service’ column of the
AGEWS Third Party Management System web service.
Any further queries that may arise with regard to request applications for this web service can be sent to the following generic email