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Administración Presupuestaria

Requirements for electronic signature using a certificate

Requirements for electronic signature

The undersigned user must have a qualified electronic certificate issued by the certification service providers listed below: List of certification service providers.

You must install the eSignature application before starting to connect to the application where the signature is required and you should check that you have an updated version of the application. This application can be downloaded from: https://firmaelectronica.gob.es/Home/Descargas.html. The installation of eSignature on Microsoft Windows must be carried out by a user with administrator permissions. Contact your IT service for installation.

In order to use the electronic National ID (DNIe), you must have the latest version of the cryptographic module of the DNIe, installed, which can be found at http://www.dnielectronico.es/ (download section).

Important: Due to functional requirements, in order to ensure that only the person connected can sign, only an electronic certificate whose associated ID coincides with that of the user connected to the application is allowed.

Further information for electronic signatures on DocelWeb