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FAQs about the API

FAQs on the electronic information exchange services for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Preliminary Information

Availability of the API

Access and use of the service

General questions about the API

Preliminary Information

What is CoFFEE and CoFFEE-MRR?

CoFFEE (Common Platform for European Funds) is the common IT platform for the management of European funds. It is aimed at integrating the various modules that support the management of European funds under the responsibility of the Secretariat General for European Funds (SGEF) in the multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 (MFF 21-27). It is the evolution of the information systems that support the management of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the financial frameworks prior to 2021-2027, but has been designed to support other funds and/or mechanisms.
CoFFEE-MRR is a CoFFEE module that takes advantage of the platform's technology, cross-cutting processes, information incorporation mechanisms, etc., and incorporates the necessary functionality for the planning, management and monitoring of the initiatives associated with the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, and specifically the Recovery,Transformation and Resilience Plan (RRRP).

How to apply to access CoFFEE/CoFFEE-MRR?

The procedure for requesting access to the Budget Administration systems is described in the "Access Control" section of the Budget Administration Portal.

Availability of the API

What is the CoFFEE API for?

The electronic services are put into operation to make it easier for the entities executing the initiatives to comply with the provisions of the regulations governing the Plan, and in particular Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September, which sets up the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Management Order), as well as Order HFP/1031/2021, of 29 September. The latter establishes the procedure and format for the information to be provided by the State, Autonomous Community and Local Public Sector Entities for monitoring compliance with the milestones and objectives and budget execution and accounting of the measures of the components of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Exchange Order). It is aimed at entities that have the capacity and resources to connect their own management systems with CoFFEE to provide the required information.
Entities that do not have this capacity can incorporate the information interactively, for which they must first request access.

Is the REST API already available to connect to?

Yes. The state of implementation of the different endpoints is available in: endpoint status.

List of versions

DateVersionEnvironmentLink to APINew developments
December 20242.0.3Pruebas Link to version 2.0.3New legal instruments: Direct financial instruments, indirect financial instruments, implementation agreements, brokering agreements.
October 20242.0.2Production Link to version 2.0.2Definition of services for the register of progress of indicators. Definition of services for the consultation of revocation (no) certificates.
June 20242.0.1Replaced by v2.0.2 Link to version 2.0.1Definition of services for discharge of actions, instrumental sub-projects, sub-projects and projects. Definition of services for the recording of progress and monitoring of indicators.
March 20242.0.0Replaced by v2.0.1 Link to version 2.0.0
March 20241.5.2Production Link to version 1.5.2Optional "Ownercode" parameter in some listings and project information in sub-project, instrument sub-projects and actions.
January 20241.5.1Replaced by v1.5.2 Link to version 1.5.1Adaptation of the definition of services to the functional changes of CoFFEE. Correction of errors.
November 20231.5.0Not implemented Link to version 1.5.0Adaptation of the definition of services to the functional changes of CoFFEE.
April 20221.3.1Not implemented Link to version 1.3.1Statements of achievement of indicators (also limiting possible values for qualitative indicators) and financial performance are treated separately. Finally, accounting documents DO and DO/ are included.

Are there alternative mechanisms to the API for providing information to the platform?

Yes, depending on the type of information to be reported, the system will provide mechanisms for the information to be provided interactively by the users who connect to it, and also through the (interactive) incorporation of a file with all the data to be processed.
Naturally, CoFFEE will perform the same validations when the information is provided in bulk by uploading a file.

What is the encoding format of the JSON file that is loaded into CoFFEE?

The encoding is UTF-8.

Access and use of the service

How do I request access to the API and what procedure does it trigger?

Should one wish to integrate an external management application with CoFFEE, it is recommended that one consult the document containing instructions for completing the authorisation to update information in CoFFEE via API.
The procedure can be summarised as follows:
1. The individual responsible for integrating the management application with CoFFEE must submit a request for access via the form available in the Web Services Catalogue of the Budget Administration Portal.
2. The OIP will contact the requesting technical department via the mailbox, indicating the user who has identified the management application.
3. Those responsible for the information of the nodes (projects, sub-projects and instrumental sub-projects of the RTRP) must grant authorisation to the user who has identified the management application that provides them with access and the ability to edit the data of the nodes.
4. The requesting technical department is responsible for configuring the electronic certificate to be used for secure communication.

How is secure access achieved?

Client Web services shall be authenticated via HTTPS/TLS (1.2 or higher). Specifically, an Administration, public law entity or body seal certificate shall be used for automated administrative actions, or a qualified electronic seal certificate derived from the eIDAS Regulation, issued in any case by any of the certification service providers recognised by the @Firma service.

During the organisational process of access authorisation, the certificate to be used by the client end of the service is agreed between the Office of Budgetary Informatics and the technical contact of the agency concerned

What does a typical interaction with the service (a call to an API method) look like?

Once the access authorisation process has been completed, the client system is ready to use the service. For this purpose, all interaction will be carried out under secure communication (TLS) using the pre-agreed seal certificate.
Each call to the REST service shall include in the HTTP request, in addition to the parameters indicated in the documentation of the service itself, two additional parameters (idUser and idApplication), containing the values provided during the access configuration process.

Can multiple organisations use the same seal certificate to interact with the API?

Although unusual, this possibility is enabled if two access requests are processed, one for each of the organisations, and the same certificate is configured in both. In the authorisation process, a different service user (idUser) will be created and assigned to each of them, and the corresponding profiles acting in each of the domains will be configured in CoFFEE.
Since each request to the service includes among its parameters the service user code (idUser), CoFFEE will be able to determine the origin and will be able to act accordingly, applying the corresponding security profile.
Notwithstanding the above, it should be noted that if one of the organisations were to use the idUser assigned to the other, there would be no mechanism to identify the impersonation, so this option will be at the risk of the client organisations.

Are there limits on the use of the service?

The following limits have been defined:
  • Maximum request size: 100MB.
  • Maximum document size: 60MB.
  • Maximum number of items in a collection: 100 items.
  • Number of requests per minute: to be established.

General questions about the API

What is the format of the dates?

The OpenApi 3.0 specification is followed which refers to the RFC 3339 definition, section 5.6, for example 2022-07-21.
It is important to note that some requested dates must be specified in quarters.

Are all API fields mandatory?

No, only those fields that are marked as such (with a red asterisk) are mandatory.

Regarding indicator progress statements: does the "date" field (the progress reference date) have to be the current date?

The progress reference date of an indicator is the date on which the value of the indicator being updated is considered to have been reached, and therefore must be the current date or before, i.e. no future dates are allowed.

Why is "change" reported for quantitative indicators and "value" for qualitative indicators?

Indicators are measures of progress and can be quantitative (their value is a numeric figure within a range) or qualitative (they can take a value from a closed set of options)
  • In the case of quantitative indicators, the change since the previous value of the indicator should be reported. For example, if the indicator is "Number of electric vehicles registered" and the indicator has changed from 1000 to 3000 vehicles, it should be reported "2000” vehicles.
  • In the case of qualitative indicators, the new value taken from the possible ones (start, in progress and finished) must be reported.
The reason why the variation is provided for quantitative indicators is that the system allows for a justification (textual and, optionally, accompanied by files). It is understood that at the time of declaration, the increased (or decreased) value of an indicator is being justified, and not the final value achieved (in the example above, the 2000 vehicles that have been registered are justified).
In the case of qualitative indicators, there is a change in their status, and therefore the status achieved is declared.

What is the reference of a legal instrument?

Declarations of accounting performance specify a reference to the legal instrument under which the declaration is made. The typical case is a contract or a grant, but all envisaged instruments must be identifiable.
The reference is therefore a code identifying the specific legal instrument within the scope of the Action for which the execution is registered.
Usually the reference coincides with the instrument code itself, which is established by the person who registers it in CoFFEE (by screen, bulk upload, ...).
For example, in the case of a grant registered in CoFFEE with the BDNS code "576282", the reference is exactly the same code. Or a contract (non-PLACSP) that has been registered in CoFFEE with the contract code "2023OIP45544", will have the same code as a reference.
However, there is the more complex case of PLACSP contracts, which is specifically addressed in the next question.

How is a contract that is registered on the Public Procurement Platform (PLACSP) differentiated from one that is not?

PLACSP contracts are identified by three codes: contracting authority code, tender code, and contract code (see next question for a detailed explanation). Non-PLACSP contracts are identified by a unique code.
In the contract registration entries in CoFFEE, the two types of contracts are identified separately.
Since references to legal instruments are made through a single field, in the case of PLACSP contracts (which, as indicated above, have three codes) the reference corresponds to the concatenation of the three values using the separator "~" between them, even if the fields were empty.

What are the PLACSP contracting authority, tendering authority and contract codes?

El The contracting authority code is an identifier used by the Public Sector Contracting Platform (PLACSP) associated with each contracting authority (in PLACSP it is called "Platform ID"). Each contracting body can consult its own in the administrator screen of the PLACSP "contracting body administrator" profile.
In addition, the Directorate-General for State Assets periodically publishes the list of codes in an Excel sheet that they update.
In the case of PLACSP and for each contracting body, the tender and contract codes are those that uniquely identify a contract that is incorporated into the Public Sector Procurement Platform:
The tender code corresponds to the File Number in the PLACSP, which is that provided by each contracting body.
The contract code corresponds to the Contract in the PLACSP. It is also a value determined by the contracting authority. It corresponds to each contract within the dossier.
In any case, both are values provided by the manager to the PLACSP. Both can be seen in the following image.

When is the "Other sources of financing" field completed?

Data on other sources of information will be filled in when the action to which the operation corresponds is financed by some other source, in addition to the funding from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. In this case, the mechanism or fund that has financed the operation shall be identified.

In the case of sending accounting information: Do the contracts/grants to be included have to be registered in CoFFEE prior to the submission of information?

Yes, it is necessary for third parties to be registered in CoFFEE prior to the submission of accounting information. The API provides the necessary services.

In the case of sending accounting information, do the third parties (beneficiaries, contractors, etc.) to be included have to be registered in CoFFEE prior to sending the information?

Yes, it is necessary for third parties to be registered in CoFFEE prior to the submission of accounting information. The API provides the necessary services.

In the case of "barred" accounting phases (A/, D/, O/, AD/, ADO/, PR/, RE/), are the amounts to be shown positive or negative?

Amounts in deleted documents are always positive; the slash already indicates that the amounts will be treated as negative for accounting purposes.

Once the accounting execution or indicator progress information has been sent: Will I receive any acknowledgement of receipt?

Yes, the system will provide an electronic acknowledgement of receipt to allow traceability of transactions.

Notable changes from v1.3.1 to v1.5

The highlighted changes are listed according to the type of data:
  • All types:
    • codigoInitiativa is now codigoActuation
  • Measurement:
    • fechaInicio its value is a quarter
    • fechaFin its value is one quarter
  • Contract:
    • contratoPLACSP is now Instrument code, Tender code and Body code
    • contratoNoPLACSP is now codigoInstrumento
  • Subsidy:
    • convocatoriaBDNS is now codigoInstrumento
  • Initiative:
    • Separated into Project, Subproject, Subproject-Instrumental and Action.
    • fechaInicio its value is a quarter
    • fechaFin its value is one quarter
  • DeclaracionFinanciera
  • DeclaracionProgresoIndicador
    • codigoInitiative now called codigoOrigenProgreso
As a general rule, missing fields do not need to be reported.

Notable changes from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1

  • Path:
    • The POST path /execution/other-instruments/targets has been updated
    • The detailed routes of a legal instrument have been updated. The {reference} parameter becomes a query parameter. For example, GET /structure/proceedings/{code}/agreements/{reference} becomes GET /structure/proceedings/{code}/agreements/details?reference={reference}
  • Performance:
    • The field transferenciaDeRecursosEconomicosAOtroSubproyecto for Action has been made optional.
    • The hitosObjetivosCriticos field has been added to Action.
    • The type of the resourcesEconomics for Action field has been updated.
  • Subproject:
    • The field costeEstimado of recursosEconomicos of Subproject has been removed.
  • SubproyectoInstrumental:
    • The field costeEstimado of recursosEconomicos of SubproyectoInstrumental has been removed.

Notable changes from v1.5.1 to v1.5.2

  • codigoPropietario The codigoPropietario parameter becomes optional in the following routes:
    • /v1.5/estructura/proyectos
    • /v1.5/estructura/subproyectos
    • /v1.5/estructura/subproyectos-instrumentales
    • /v1.5/estructura/actuaciones

    If not included, the list shall contain all items of the corresponding type to which the user has access.

  • project Sub-projects, instrumental sub-projects and actions include a summary of the project to which they belong (propiedad proyecto).

Notable changes from v2.0.0 to v2.0.1

  • Legal instruments.
    • The PATCH update methods have been modified to utilize the PUT method for all nine types of legal instruments.
    • The fields of the schemas ContractorChanges, BeneficiaryChanges and RecipientChanges have undergone a transformation. The description is now returned as a description rather than an object.
    • The designation of the field amountWithoutVAT has been revised to amountWithoutVAT.
    • The uid has been incorporated into the operation manager requests.
    • A bug in the processing of instrument profile requests has been identified and rectified. The issue was that the requests did not behave as an overhead and did not show the correct path.
    • A new endpoint has been incorporated into the legal instruments, allowing an operation manager to cancel a request.
    • A new endpoint has been incorporated into the legal instruments to facilitate the retrieval of transaction officer details upon request.

Notable changes from v2.0.1 to v2.0.2

  • Progress of indicators
    • The URL of the progress to progress/indicators is modified..
    • The code of the node to which the report belongs is included in the url.
    • The endpoints required for the paginated consultation of documents are included.
  • Legal instruments.
    • The fields are returned immediately SinIva FirstLevel and immediately TotalFirstLevel in the information of a legal instrument.
    • The numLot field is allowed to be edited in contractors.
  • Milestones and objectives.
    • Se definen e implementan los endpoints de consulta de certificados de (no) revocación.
  • Economic resources
    • The endpoints for the consultation of economic resources are included.

Notable changes from v2.0.2 a v2.0.3

  • Progress of indicators
    • New types of editing progress reports.
  • Legal instruments.
    • Direct financial instrument.
    • Indirect financial instrument.
    • Implementing Agreement.
    • Brokering agreement.
    • New types of recipient editing.
    • New field date of creation.
  • Milestones and objectives.
    • Modification of endpoints for discharge and editing.
  • Economic resources
    • Modification of PUT /sub-projects/{code}/sub-measures/{sub-measure} by POST /sub-projects/{code}/sub-measures/{sub-measure}

General questions about API v2.0

How do I obtain the unique code of a legal instrument?

The unique code of a legal instrument is obtained in three ways:
  • Registration of legal instrument: the unique code assigned to the legal instrument is returned in the response of the registration operation. For example: POST /v2.0/contratos
  • Consultation of legal instruments of an action: the list of legal instruments includes the unique code of each legal instrument. GET /v2.0/proceedings/{code}/juridical-tools
  • Unique code query: there is a utility to obtain the unique code of a legal instrument from the action code and the reference of the legal instrument. GET /v2.0/instrumentos-juridicos/utilidades/codigo-unico

How do I upload documents?

There are two steps to uploading documents:
  • Document upload: A new document is added to the system and the locator required for further operations is obtained. The document is created with the type PENDING. Uploaded documents not associated with an item will be deleted periodically. The service used is: POST /v2.0/documents
  • Association of the document with an element: The document uploaded in the previous point is associated to an element. The association indicates the document location, the effective type and additional metadata. The service used depends on the element, e.g. to add a document to a contract, the service is: POST /v2.0/contratos/{codigo-unico}/documentos.
If you want to associate the same document to several elements, you only need to upload the document once and you can use the locator as many times as necessary.

Other concerns

I have functional doubts about the management of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and its management system, where can I go?

The description of the functioning of the Plan is articulated in two Ministerial Orders:
  • Order HFP/1030/2021, of 29 September, which sets up the management system of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
  • Order HFP/1031/2021, of 29 September, which establishes the procedure and format of the information to be provided by the State, Autonomous and Local Public Sector Entities for monitoring compliance with milestones and objectives and budgetary and accounting execution of the measures of the components of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

I have further technical queries related to the API. Where can I address them?

For all other technical queries about the CoFFEE REST API, you can write a message to the support email address
This mailbox will only deal with technical queries related to the exchange of information with the platform.