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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana
Administración Presupuestaria

Access Control

The information security policy of the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure, the General Secretariat for European Funds and the General State Administration Comptroller is regulated by the resolution of 27 March 2024, issued by the General Intervention of the State Administration, regulates the information security policy of the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure, the General Secretariat of European Funds and the General Intervention of the State Administration.

TheGuide for requesting access to the Budgetary Administration systems (PDF) details the processes required for registering new users and requesting access permissions.

Certain information systems require prior authorisation to be obtained, in accordance with this preauthorisation table before the application for access is made by completing the form below.

Requesting access

Form for requesting access to the Budgetary Administration’s Information Systems

Incident management

If an incident were to occur, the following steps should be followed:

Important issues related to controlling access

Information on personal data protection

Personal data provided through the request form will be processed by Operational Division IV of the Office of Budgetary Data Processing for the purpose of managing authorisations for access to the information systems and services provided by the Budgetary Administration. You can exercise your rights by contacting the data controller. Before accessing the form and signing the request, you should read the additional information on data protection.

Code of Conduct

Código de conducta para los usuarios de los sistemas de información de la Administración Presupuestaria (pdf)