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Administración Presupuestaria

Listado de Sistemas de Información, Unidades Administrativas

Autonomous Communities
Systems that can be accessed on request and with authorisation.
Information SystemName of the servicePerson in charge of the file
AgriRed (no traducido) ONA División II: Organización, Coordinación y Supervisión;;
AUDInet System of information and follow-up of the Government Comptroller's Office national financial control plan action steps Oficina Nacional de Auditoría
BÁSICAL Accounting information system for the Local Organisations to which the basic model scheduled in the New Accounting Instruction for the Local Administration is applicable. Oficina Nacional de Contabilidad
BDNS National subsidy data bases. ONA División V: Auditoria Operativa y CF. Subvenciones Nacionales System for sending the annual accounts, and other information which State public sector and company bodies have to provide to the Court of Audit, to the State Controller’s Office under the General Budgetary Act 47/2003 and Order EHA/2043/2010, and for the State Controller’s Office to send them on to the Court of Audit, as well as for the management of information established in the Transparency Act 4/2007, in accordance with the models and procedures governed by RD 1759/2007. Subdirección General de Estudios y Coordinación
Coopera 2020 Management of Community aids of ERDF European Territorial Cooperation for period of 2014-2020 Subdirección General de Fondo de Cohesión y Cooperación Terrritorial Europea;;;
DocelWeb (externos) Networked electronic signature-carrier. OIP División I de Aplicaciones de Contabilidad y Control
Fondos 2000 Management of Community aid granted and charged to structural funds (ERDF, ESF, EAGF) for the period 2000-2006 Subdirección General de Administración del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Fondos 2007 Obj. 1 y 2 Management of community aid granted charged to the ERDF and Cohesion Funds for the 2007-2013 period. Subdirección General de Administración del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Fondos 2007 Obj. 3 Management of community aid granted charged to the ERDF and Cohesion Funds for the 2007-2013 period. Subdirección General de Cooperación Territorial Europea
Fondos 2020 Gestión de las ayudas comunitarias concedidas por FEDER para la inversión en crecimiento y empleo del período 2014-2020 Subdirección General de Administración del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Gestión de ficheros Information system for File Management (sending and receipt). OIP Div.III Aplicaciones Costes Personal
Jubil@ Application for the online processing of the Ex-officio Initiation of the Retirement Pension Form. Subdirección General de Gestión de Clases Pasivas
Nexus Management of the Cohesion funds corresponding to the 2000-2006 period. Subdirección General de Fondo de Cohesión y Cooperación Terrritorial Europea
Publicaciones web DGCPyPP Compilation of documents produced by the Underdirectorate-General for Legislation, Resources and Information of Passive Class of the Directorate-General for Personnel Costs and Public Pensions, namely in relation to the civil service and to passive class system. Subdirección General de Ordenación Normativa y Recursos
RED.coa System for presenting the annual accounts of administrative public bodies from the State public sector to the State Controller’s Office and passing them on to the Court of Audit by remote data transfer, in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Circular for the State Institutional Administration (ICAIE), approved by Order EHA/2045/2011. ONC División II: Gestión de la Contabilidad
SIC3 Ingresos no tributarios AGE State accounting information system. ONC División II: Gestión de la Contabilidad
SIC3 OOAA Accounting information system for autonomous bodies and associated administrative public bodies. Responsable de la Oficina de Contabilidad del Organismo
SIEN@ Preparation of the projects included in the complementary and compensation Funds and the management of their subsequent modification during budget implementation. Subdirección General de Gestión de Retribuciones y Puestos de Trabajo